Elf-from-a-lake's avatar


Narjahanam - AlZawabe'a
430 Watchers

Artist Ask!

7 min read

Art programs you have but don't use

Blender. My old man couldn't digest the latest version of the program.

Is it easier to draw someone facing left or right (or forward even)

now it's all equally simple for me

What ideas come from when you were little

When I was a kid, I just wrote down the dreams that I had and then came up with characters based on them. For example, everything happened thanks to the Doctors, Inferno (creepy kids) and the second Moonrise. There was also a werewolf dancer, aliens, creepy glowing white eyes in the dark. And of course EOL.

I tried to find images with them for the past 10 years, that is, until the arrival of 2020.

2009(8)? mar 31. 2016 Doctor.


2009 (8), 2012.

2015 Green moon God. Feb 19, 2017. Yes, this is the guy from the avatar and thanks to everything that he was...

the great god of the Moon. new Moon. Pony
2015 Green God of the Moon.

Eol. 2002 (3)

This is the oldest thing I have, because in the beginning it was an imaginary friend or something like that... at least he taught me how to ride a bike XD

2019 and 2016

little lunar inspiration

Fav character/subject that's a bitch to draw

My world as a whole. That's about how I see everything.

Request- Green Moon God
Reaper [art trade]
Comissions: Vodyanoy

And how can I draw it... Yes, unfortunately everything always turns out very sweet and cute.

94   Ignazio
51. Eney

Estimate of how much of your art you post online vs. the art you keep for yourself

10 %. Yes, I haven't even touched the boxes right now.

Anything that might inspire you subconsciously (i.e. this horse wasn't supposed to look like the Last Unicorn but I see it)

I had a very good teacher when I was a kid (I talked about him). my co-author, critic and editor, who perfectly understood every book subject. It's a pity that he's lost somewhere now, after all, I now work in the library, together with such a product of the subconscious, it would be cooler... Okay, this is unnecessary, I won't get carried away... a wonderful person from another dream who was prone to pyromania. I somehow gradually became inclined to this as well. But don't worry, I'm in control and that's why I'm waiting for spring... it's beautiful and there are a lot of bonfires that inspire me. And I also draw with smoke.

Fire warriors
in fire
Fire draw

A medium of art you don't work in but appreciate

animations are a lot of work. I especially admire the Metal Family. It started out as a comedy animated series, and now it already has a lot of stories and is well thought out, remaining as funny as in the beginning. and now the following, this is a project of two people and they do all the work. I also admire musicians, any style of music is beautiful

What's an old project idea that you've lost interest in

the city beyond the bridge. It was completed in February 2020 and I even drew characters from the story here. As soon as I finish "Moon" and "Phoenix" I will return to "City".

What are your file name conventions

My dear co-author said that fussiness and problem of someone is funny if you observe it, but you can't allow it in your activities. So that I have everything numbered. one file is assigned something like the numbers 00018, another 18, and the third 018, depending on what subject they relate to. The number is followed by a name, for example "109 Absolute". I also have records in the form of lists and tables. So, I know not only the character from the image, but also the necessary information. Of course, the information is updated.

109 Absolute

Favorite piece of clothing to draw

I have characters with sleeves that differ in color from the base and often a vest, raincoat or jacket is unbuttoned, and the color of the shirt or T-shirt matches the color of the sleeves. And I like dark strict trousers, they look really cool. I love high women's boots and strict men's shoes with laces. I love the green color in the characters' clothes.

Dec 16, 2018.


Dec 3, 2017


new but old

117 Sabrina

Do you listen to anything while drawing? If so, what

I love when there is something beautiful in music... mmm

just for an example.

"Narjahanam - Alwailu Walthuboor" or "Moonick Why Does It Never Rain On The Moon"

"Chaostar - Elegy" or "Сварга - Долгой Зимой" (Svarga. A long winter.)

"Wumpscut - Ceremony" or "Chaostar - 間 (MA)"

Easiest part of body to draw

The hair lol

Things you want to get better at

start drawing properly already, the world of wars, battles, revolutions and flames should look like it

How much time do you take to make a drawing?

1-2 hours

Where* do you draw (don't drop your ip address this just means do you doodle at a park or smth)

This is my room

Something you are good at but don't really have fun doing

Too cute I have everything, and I don't want it

Do you eat/drink when drawing? if so, what


An estimate of how much art supplies you've broken


Favorite inanimate objects to draw (food, nature, etc.)

Moon, moon, moon and fire fire fire

Something everyone else finds hard to draw but you enjoy

Armor and helmets, good armor is fine, but... he-he... This is not how I would like it to be

Moral Apocalypse. Fourth moonrise.
Climate apocalypse. First moonrise.

Art styles nothing like your own but you like anyways


What physical exercises do you do before drawing, if any

I don't do it

Do you use different layer modes


Do your references include stock images

yes.. and i like EQG Base

Something your art has been compared to that you were NOT inspired by

just... never touch the pop culture of the Internet or TV, if you compare, there is only one dirt and abomination, as well as a complete irresponsibility attitude to mythological or theological sources of information. No, I'm already getting angry... oh, it's just kind of awful, what they do and are also so proud of their imperfections, as if they made them themselves. "look what I've done! Is that cool? Do you like it?" from myself I will say that for example? for example, a certain Sun god, who, if you follow the links to the right places, corresponds more to the moon god and at the same time his name translates as "underground?" Or do you think that you drew a couple of rabbits, you completely show that a certain hero is connected with the moon? Or if your water god suddenly looks more like a wind spirit, because you grabbed the first picture in the search engine and attached water waves to this wind spirit? what? damn.

What piece of yours do you think is underrated

I didn't think about it

Do you warm up before getting to the good stuff? If so, what is it you draw to warm up with


Any art events you have participated in the past (like zines)

I'm a librarian, I can arrange a writer's or book's evening myself if I want. Decorations of the room. Cosplay writer. Meetings with local writers and newspaper editors. I'm happy.

What's a piece that got a wildly different interpretation from what you intended


original by


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you know, this local writer broke my heart. Yes, I felt just fine, this person (like any of them) was like a bonfire for me. The poems were not original and weak, but the writer laughed, claiming that she knew it perfectly well, she said that it was just nice for her to do it. Then the writer said that she was already old and it was necessary to give in to the young, there were just two librarium of 40 years old and I with them, she meant all of us, but she looked at me. Then she said that young writers are bad. One of my colleagues asked why. I was already ready to listen to a lot of criticism regarding bad rhyme, grammatical and punctuation errors, rhyming verbs and admitting obscene words in the text and quoting memes... but she said something else.

Yes, she said that young people write poems about love and suicide. And she also mentioned that everywhere these young people attribute spiders, owls, ravens, insects, snakes, lizards and other creatures. She said that all these animals are vile and disgusting, so it's not surprising that they are used in such works. I said it was all nonsense and the spiders were cute, after that we somehow broke up and didn't cross paths anymore. I felt kind of sad, just... in any case, someone who has been writing for many years (you need to know and understand a lot) should be above prejudice. And, damn, if some Shining Darkness (or any other pretentious pseudonym) decided to strach a low-grade verse about how "she jumps from the roof like a spider on a web, and a thin thread of life breaks ...", then damn it does not mean that spiders and other creatures are ugly. And, yes, I don't like this genre either, but this is the creative expression of someone who writes such nonsense. This is their nonsense and they like this nonsense.

And spiders, they are cute!!!

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dream 1

5 min read

я был в каком-то безумном месте. Жители не помнили никого из своей жизни, словно кто-то каждый раз полностью стирал им воспоминания, в некотором роде даже личность.

Я помнил, что там был некий преступник, весьма опасный, так вот о нем ни кто не помнил! Совершенно!

Даже его/ее кореша его не помнили, словно его ни когда не было.

Словно его просто взяли и удалили, полностью удалили, как уже пройденную игру или что-то в этом роде. Убрали из памяти, газет, новостей. Это как 1984, но только с какой-то пугающей жуткой магией.

Нападение на рынок группировки бандитов, полицейский описал как взрыв газа в заколдованной версии выпуска новостей. Ладно, может оно и хорошо, что каким-то образом была удалена из мироздания большая часть зла в виде опасного человека (не помню мужчина то или женщина). Но подожди радоваться подобному, не надо...

Группировка без лидера как-то потерялась и растворилась, разбрелась кто куда.

И тут начинается самое интересное! Какая-то определенная часть уголовников так же была удалена из памяти людей, бумажных и цифровых носителей, а часть осталась жить. Мне стало интересно от чего так, и я пошел искать.

Из живых уголовников была женщина, которая работала где-то в суде, у нее даже был муж и какой-то древний дед, что торговал всяким хламом на рынке, том самом, который пыталась захватить банда. И еще продавщица из мясной лавки, все с того же рынка.

В процессе было выяснено, что удален был не только опаснейший преступник и часть его ярых приспешников, но и простые люди. Начиналось все с ужасного человека, а заканчивалось все школьным хулиганом! Я говорил, не радуйся!

То есть за любое зло, даже за случайное, человек удалялся, типа «это представляло угрозу для благополучия» или как-то так звучал этот тупой идиотский бред!!!

Просто представьте, что у вас был дорогой вашему сердцу человек… и вот он нагрубил кому-то, просто от того что слишком устал, просто потому, что у него было плохое настроение. Был, и нет его! Словно его и не было! Он исчез из вашей памяти, он исчез с ваших фотографий, все. И только потому, что его случайное «черт» послужило «угрозой для благополучия»!

Это напомнило мне не только Большого Брата…

но еще и ИИ Крестоносец (кажется, это так зовется), в программе которого была забота о жителях Стойла. From FO: E. В итоге, все жители погибли. Погибли, так как представляли угрозу и воду нужно было экономить.

Хотя, наверное, странно сравнивать то, что держало этот бедный город в плену с теми, что написано выше… они как-то, хе-хе, подобрее будут, чем то, что тут… ну…

Ладно, я буду спать еще, спокойной ночи.

I was in some crazy place. The residents did not remember anyone from their lives, as if someone had completely erased their memories every time, in some way even their personality. I remembered that there was a certain criminal, very dangerous, so no one remembered about him! Absolutely! Even his/her sidekick didn't remember him, as if he had never existed. It's like it was just taken and deleted, completely deleted, like an already completed game or something like that. Removed from memory, newspapers, news. It's like 1984, but only with some kind of scary creepy magic. The attack on the market by a group of bandits, the policeman described as a gas explosion in the enchanted version of the news release. Okay, maybe it's a good thing that most of the evil in the form of a dangerous person was somehow removed from the universe (I don't remember whether it was a man or a woman). But wait to rejoice in such a thing, no need ... the group without a leader somehow got lost and dissolved, scattered who where. And then the fun begins! A certain part of the criminals was also removed from the memory of people, paper and digital media, and some remained alive. I was wondering why so, and I went to look. Of the living criminals, there was a woman who worked somewhere in court, she even had a husband and some ancient grandfather who sold all sorts of junk in the market, the same one that the gang tried to seize. And also a saleswoman from a butcher shop, all from the same market. In the process, it was found out that not only the most dangerous criminal and some of his ardent henchmen were removed, but also ordinary people. It all started with a terrible person, and it all ended with a school bully! I said don't be happy! That is, for any evil, even for accidental, a person was removed, like "it posed a threat to well-being" or somehow this stupid idiotic nonsense sounded like that!!! Just imagine that you had a person dear to your heart... and here he was rude to someone, just because he was too tired, just because he was in a bad mood. He was, and he is not! As if he never existed! He disappeared from your memory, he disappeared from your photos, that's it. And only because his accidental "damn" served as a "threat to well-being"! It reminded me not only of Big Brother… but also the Crusader AI (I think it's called that), whose program was taking care of the inhabitants of the Stall. From FO: E. As a result, all residents died. They died because they posed a threat and water had to be saved. Although, it's probably strange to compare what kept this poor city in captivity with those written above... they somehow, hehe, will be kinder than what's here... well… Okay, I'll sleep some more, good night.

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there will be a certain amount divided by a certain attribute

the Sand Moon World

16. Ognekryl (Firewing)
15.  Breynia
1. Frost. Sand Moon World.

Followers of the cult of the Mad Goddess

22. Marina.
2. Bellis. The world of the seventh moon.

Research network of institutes of the Sand Moon World

30. Lina
29. Ignat
8. Melissa. Sand Moon World.
3. Ghost in the class of alchemy. Sand moon.

Organization Poppies from the red world of the Moon

20. Azalea
19. Ruby
18. Crystal
4. Fox. Sixth World of the Moon. bloody moon.
25. Irwin
23. Amber

Agents of the Master Gamer

10. Kai. The world of the Green Moon God
5. Ervin. Green Moon World


24. The Fourth Moonrise
6. Kage. World of the Golden moon


7. Cody. Sand moon world.

Reapers and Priests of the Moon

14. Sand Moon Reaper
9. M. The world of the bloody (red) Moon.

Embassies, Temples

11. Argentum.

The world of the golden Moon, general

26. Chloe
21. Emir
17. Rosa Scarlet
12. Tern

Experimental New Moon

27. Vedger
13. Hitomir


28. Emptiness Master
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So, when Shepard (my sister) scolded me like that, she was right

the fact that these characters are in the third story

80. 1 Vodyanoy
82 Alchemist

indicates that these characters are dead

89 Alchemist

Well, artifacts (masks) pass to another owner only after the death of the real owner. At the end of the first story, it was not indicated what became of Inferno, the Alchemist and the Crystal as a whole. But then they did not appear anywhere (Except Inferno, but he is not alive or dead). Until the end, hoping to find notes that they were alive somewhere, but they were not. And now I'm finding the next generation of Poppies, and in full combat form. Everyone dies, even accidentally die. This is wrong! But... I can't do anything with myself. Okay, probably for a world where the main theme is the apocalypse, such mortality among the characters is the norm.

So, yes, when we do cross paths with Shepherd, she scolds me for being too cruel if she is suddenly interested in the story of any character "The God of the Moon".

yes, I know, everything is a little torn and unrelated, but it's two o'clock in the morning and I'm just sad from the realization

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bugs and nerves by Elf-from-a-lake, journal

I apologize to you by Elf-from-a-lake, journal

i m so scared by Elf-from-a-lake, journal

55... by Elf-from-a-lake, journal

it's just a dream by Elf-from-a-lake, journal